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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kidding Season....

Looks like Kidding season has started for alot of breeders, NOT for me though...Sadly I wont have any cute bouncy babies until May. I hate that I have to wait so long, but im happy all my goats are healthy. I added a new buck to my herd, and everyone has been really good....too good...I NEVER let my guard down because if I do for even a second, someone gets severly ill.

I have my 3 juniors, Adelle, Lotus, and Beverly, at a friends house right now. First off I dont want them bred, and second, im so paranoid they will get Cocci again. Of course my herd is clean, but I cant handle seeing my baby girls sick, so JUST to be sure, they are spending some time there, and of course my friend LOVES having them.

I havent been writing as much as I would like, Ive actually been pretty distracted. Im not currently at home, im staying at my dads for a while, taking care of him and seeing some friends that live here. I so wish I could just move here, I have people here that love me, and I dont think I can imagine not seeing them for months at a time, but who knows what the future holds for me, I dont really like making plans because they usually NEVER happen, I like to just go with the flow, whatever happens is fine, if it doesnt, at least I wont be dissapointed.

I do believe though, this time brings the worst of me out...I hate waiting, wondering, hoping....Its like a present or a suprise AHHHHHH. Of course I love presents and suprises, I just hate waiting lol, who does!

Baby goats are amazing, they make me so happy! I just love the attitude of a baby goat. All a baby cares about is her mommy, and who ever will play with her, which is usually me. I am always there to support the babies, letting them play on me and claim me as the prize! I also love the more calm ones who just want to sleep on your lap. And who doesnt just ADORE those cute little spaz jumps? I cant stop laughing when you have a little mini herd of babies doing the spazzy jumps, and then when the whole herd does it, its just the cutest thing! Not only do baby goats make the herd better, they also make all the adults be more childish, I see they babies come out of them, I love it.

If you have never played with a baby goat, you are really missing out, its one of the best feelings in the world, I promise! They are very loving, and also love to play. Of course this only qualifies for friendly babies, who are handled alot, mine have always been like this. There was one very evil exception, that would be my drama queen Callie, who is in my herd and currently pregnant. She was a mean baby, she didnt want a single human to TOUCH her. I dont give up on babies, but this girl was killing me. Everyday I would grab her and not let go, she always fought though, even her mom was looking at her like she was ashamed.

Finally one day, I walked over and looked at her, and she actually came over to me and jumped in my lap, I think her brother gave her a pep talk lol. She was very sweet for a while, I took her to the fair and she slept in my lap most of the time. Shes friendly now but it has to be her decision. Most babies though are very sweet.

Can you tell I want babies? UGH only, what? 4 more months? Lovely, im so happy I have to wait so long....

Well I will be going home soon and then I will probably write more, since I will be home!

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